Monday, 16 May 2022

FBDI for General Ledger - Manual

FBDI is also known as File Based Data Import. It is used to import bulk data into fusion application tables. It's a way to perform inbound transactions into fusion applications and perform the conversions from legacy and third-party applications to fusion.

Oracle provides a number of FBDI templates for different types of data like GL Journal Data, Cash Management Bank Reconciliation, Auto import invoice for AR, and many more. You may choose these templates as per your requirements click on the link for financials FBDI templates FBDI-Financials

How FBDI works

  • 1. Download the template from the above link as per your requirement 
  • 2. The template will contain multiple worksheets: Instructions for CSV Generation and other worksheets for associated interface tables. For each interface table, there will be one worksheet.
  • 3. Fill the data into a table worksheet and then click on the CSV Generation worksheet to generate the data file. The generated data file will be of zip type and its name may be anything. The zip file will contain CSV files as many as tables are in the template and you do not have to change the file name for these CSV files.
  • 4. Upload the zip file to Universal Content Management (UCM) Server 
  • 5. Load the data into the interface tables from UCM by submitting the ESS job Load Interface File For Import
  • 6. If import to the interface is successful then go to step 7 else go to step 8
  • 7. Submit the application-specific data import process to transfer data from interface tables to application-specific tables into the Oracle fusion application, in our case Import Journals
  • 8. Purge the data from the interface table by submitting the ESS job Purge Interface Tables
  • 9. Correct the data and upload it to UCM and follow steps 4 to 9 till it completes the process successful

Now we will understand how journals can be imported using FBDI manually from the ERP frontend.

Oracle provides an FBDI template to import journals to create journal entries into General Ledger

 As we have seen in previous blog, Import Journals has three sections Journal Batch, Journal, and Journal Lines and each section has some set of attributes. In the FBDI template also these sections and attributes are available in a specific sequence.

There are some fields that may not be available on frontend but you must have to provide these fields in FDBI data files

1. Ledger ID --> On the front end Leger Name may be present but not the ledger id.

To get the ledger ID from the ledger name

select LEDGER_ID from GL_LEDGERS where name like 'ledger name'

2. Batch ID --> This is the unique id to find all the records uniquely from the file

Step 2: Once you generated the ZIP file the next step is to import the ZIP file to the UCM location.

Go-To Tools and click on File Import and Export

Then click on + Symbol to import the ZIP file

Then upload the file and select the Account. As we are uploading the file related to import journals so select fin/generalLedger/import as the account then click on Save and Close

Step 3: Import the data into the interface table. To do this submit the job Load interface File For Import. It will pick the zip file from the UCM location and transfer the file to some application location and then it will import the data into the interface table

Go-To Tools then click on the scheduled process and then click on the scheduled new process

Then search the process named Load interface File For Import and click on ok

It will transfer the file from a user-specified location to interface tables

and then the import process "Import Journals" which will transfer the data into the General Ledger interface table.

Then click the data file, this is the zip file that we have loaded into the UCM location, automatically this file will be available in the drop-down list.

Then click on submit

Below are the processes triggered after submitting the job

To check the status of the records click on Load File to Interface Process and click on the attachment to download the logs

Once all the processes are completed validate the data from the interface tables

Group ID Validation

select * from GL_interface where group_id = 1XXXXX 

Validate the Ledger ID

select * from GL_interface where group_id = 1XXXXX and ledger_id = '200XXXXX0'

Validate the Code combination






      gl_code_combinations gcc


      gcc.segment1 = gl.segment1

      and gcc.segment2 = gl.segment2

      and gcc.segment3 = gl.segment3

      and gcc.segment4 = gl.segment4

      and gcc.segment5 = gl.segment5

      and gcc.segment6 = gl.segment6

  ) codecombinationID,








  gl_interface gl


  group_id = 1XXXXX

Validate the credit and debit amount

Check the sum of credit and the debit amount and it should be equal to zero

Step 4: Now Last Step is to Load the Journal Data from the Interface table to the Application Tables

To achieve this run the ESS Job Import Journals and provide the parameters below

Go-To Tools and then click on the scheduled process and then click on Scheduled New Process

and then search Import Journals Process, It will create Journal Entries from imported information from sub-ledgers and other source systems, and click on Ok

and provide the below parameters before submitting the Import Journal Process

To Purge the interface table schedule the new process Purge Interface Tables

then select the import process name "Import Journals" and pass the Load Request ID

then click on submit, it will purge the data from the interface table.

We have seen how to create journal entries using FBDI. These are the high-level steps that you have to perform the to import journals
1. Create the data file based on FBDI template Import Journals
2. Upload the file to UCM location fin/generalLedger/import
3. Submit the ESS Job "Load Interface File For Import" to transfer the file data into gl_interface table
4. Validate the data from the interface table if successful then
5 Submit another ESS job "Import Journals" and provide the parameters like Data Access Date, Source, Ledger, Group ID, etc.
6. Validate the data from the base table and from frontend
7. IF validation fails then purge the data from the interface table by submitting the ESS Job "Purge Interface Tables" 

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